Rubina Hundal


Drawing on my foundation in data science and public policy, I specialize in development economics, focusing on gendered disparities in labor markets.

From Fieldwork to Frameworks

My journey into development began as the co-founder of Project Reach Foundation, which aimed to combat bottlenecks in neonatal immunization in rural India. Driven by a desire to uncover insights into gendered economic experiences, I am now pursuing my Ph.D. in Public Policy at the University of Chicago, with a focus on Development and Behavioral Economics. My prior education in Data Analytics from Carnegie Mellon University has equipped me to work at the fascinating confluence of machine learning and economics. Currently, I am also a researcher at the World Bank Group, and my past work includes research projects in gender and transport at the Development Impact Evaluation (DIME) team.

Current Research Highlights

My ongoing research projects include the exploration of:

  • Origin-Based Norms: Understanding their influence on intimate partner violence among migrants.
  • Labor-Market Exposure: Analyzing its impact on post-high school trajectories.
  • Gendered Financial Behaviors: Emphasizing nuances in the context of gains and losses.
  • Oral Health Disparities: Exploring their broader socio-economic consequences.

For details on these projects and more on my past research contributions, visit my Research page.