Ongoing Research

  1. Persistence of Origin-Based Social Norms Among Migrants with Naira Kalra and Oyebola Okunogbe: Investigating the enduring influence of origin-based norms on intimate partner violence (IPV) among migrant couples in India, this study unveils the deep-rooted norms influencing migrant couples’ IPV behaviors, vital for policy interventions. (Working paper available upon request)

  2. Effects of Labor Market Exposure on Transition After High School with Emma Zhang: Exploring the transformative impact of early labor exposure on high school students’ post-academic trajectories, this research is pivotal in reshaping educational and labor policies, especially for economically marginalized groups.

  3. Gendered Attitudes Towards Financial Risk: Gain Preferences versus Loss Aversion with Emma Zhang: Delving into gender-specific financial behaviors, and emphasizing reactions to potential losses versus gains, the findings help us understand and address gender disparities in financial decision-making landscapes.

  4. Effects of Poor Oral Health on Systemic Health Outcomes: Examining the broader health and socio-economic repercussions of oral health disparities, with potential implications for labor and healthcare policies as well as public awareness of oral health.

Past Research

Development Impact Evaluation (DIME), World Bank, Washington, DC:

Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA: